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Report No.

Validation of the multinucleon transfer method for the determination of the fission barrier height

Kean, K. R.; Nishio, Katsuhisa   ; Hirose, Kentaro  ; Vermeulen, M. J.; Makii, Hiroyuki   ; Orlandi, R.  ; Tsukada, Kazuaki  ; Andreyev, A. N.; Tsekhanovich, I.*; Chiba, Satoshi*

The validity of the multinucleon transfer (MNT) approach for deduction of fission barrier heights was investigated in an experiment carried out at the JAEA tandem accelerator facility. By using the $$^{18}$$O+$$^{237}$$Np reaction, fission barrier heights were inferred from fission probabilities of the nuclei $$^{239}$$Np and $$^{239,240}$$Pu produced in the $$2n$$ and $$pn/p2n$$ transfer channels, respectively. The deduced values of fission barriers agree well with the literature data, thus demonstrating the potential of the MNT reactions for obtaining fission-barrier data for nuclei not accessible for fission studies via neutron- or light charged particle-induced reactions.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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