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Report No.

Highlight of recent sample environment at J-PARC MLF

Kawamura, Seiko   ; Hattori, Takanori   ; Harjo, S.   ; Ikeda, Kazutaka*; Miyata, Noboru*; Miyazaki, Tsukasa*; Aoki, Hiroyuki  ; Watanabe, Masao   ; Sakaguchi, Yoshifumi*; Oku, Takayuki   

In Japanese neutron scattering facilities, some SE equipment that are frequently used at an instrument, such as the closed-cycle refrigerator (CCR), have been prepared for the instrument as standard SE. They are operated for user experiments by the instrument group. The advantage of this practice is that they can optimize the design of the SE for the instrument and can directly respond to users' requests. On the other hand, the SE team in the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) in J-PARC has managed commonly used SE to allow neutron experiments with more advanced SE. In this report, recent SE in the MLF is introduced. Highlighted are the SE in BL11, BL19, BL21 and BL17 and other SE recently progressed by the SE team.



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