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Report No.

Proposal of non-destructive device for slow extraction

Shimogawa, Tetsushi*; Harada, Hiroyuki  

A particle beam from accelerators has been applied not only to physics experiments but also medical applications. In the slow extraction which extract beam from a synchrotron during a large number of turns, the accelerated beam is blown up and extracted by the electrostatic septum. The septum consists of electrode and septum for separating between extraction and circulating beam. Generally, the wire and plate are used for septum. In this case, the beam hits on septum. Consequently, the extraction efficiency and the beam power are limited. We propose the non-destructive electrostatic septum. The multiple electrodes arrange surround the beam and produce the electric field for separation and deflect the beam. There are no materials in the beam orbit area. This will be reported introduction of our proposed non-destructive electrostatic septum.



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