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Coexistence of superconductivity with quadrupole order in a $$Gamma_3$$ system


久保 勝規 

Kubo, Katsunori

Superconductivity in a model on a cubic lattice for a $$Gamma_3$$ non-Kramers system is discussed. In our previous studies, we have found that $$d$$-wave superconductivity with $$E_g$$ symmetry occurs in a wide parameter range in a $$Gamma_3$$ system. In such an anisotropic superconducting state, the cubic symmetry of the system can be broken. Since the quadrupole degrees of freedom is active in a $$Gamma_3$$ system, the effect of cubic symmetry breaking should be important. In $$d_{x^2-y^2}$$ or $$d_{3z^2-r^2}$$ superconducting state, a ferroquadrupole moment of $$O_2^0=3z^2-r^2$$ becomes finite. In this study, we investigate the coexisting states of the superconductivity and ferroquadrupole order of $$O_2^0$$ by a mean-field theory. Then, we find that superconducting transition temperature can be increased by the quadrupole ordering.



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