Study on the generation process of radioactive particles emitted from Unit 1 of FDNPP
Ishii, Tatsuya*; Sueki, Keisuke*; Matsuo, Kazuki*; Kurosawa, Masanori*; Satou, Yukihiko
; Kobata, Masaaki
; Fukuda, Tatsuo
; Yoshii, Kenji
; Tanida, Hajime
; Okane, Tetsuo
; Adachi, Koji*
Radioactive particles were released into the environment by the accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP). They have information to understand the inside of the reactor during the accident. Now, nobody knows the generation process of radioactive particles. In this study, we analyzed (1) elements of particles' cross section with SEM-EDS to reveal what is the material and (2) chemical states of elements on particles' surface with HAXPES. (1) Radioactive particles are composed of the two parts. One is the basic material and the other is the heavy elemental materials. We considered the basic material was soda-lime glass and the heavy elemental materials included lead glass. (2) HAXPES brought out that the chemical states of Cs on particles, surface was different in the Na-poor areas and the Na-rich areas. In the Na-poor areas, the chemical state of Cs showed CsFeSiO
mainly, but zero valence partly. In the Na-rich areas, the chemical state of Cs couldn't be identified. For above analyses, we can reveal the generation process of radioactive particles.