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Report No.

Critical heat flux during pool boiling in bottom and volume heated particle bets

Sakashita, Hiroto*; Kawakami, Taira*; Ono, Ayako ; Yoshida, Hiroyuki  

This study measured the critical heat flux on a bottom surface for bottom and volume heated particulate beds, where small spherical metal particles were placed on a 75mm diameter heating surface and internally heated by induction heating. The data were obtained by varying the particle size and the volumetric heated rates in the particulate beds. The CHF on the bottom surface decreases with decreasing the particle size and is unaffected by the volumetric heated rates of the particulate beds. The previously proposed CHF correlations, which were derived based on the assumption that the CHF is triggered by hydrodynamic phenomena of liquid and vapor flows through the particulate beds, are not applicable to the CHF for bottom and volume heated particulate beds.



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