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Report No.

A Large area position-sensitive scintillation neutron detector for upgrading SENJU diffractometer

Nakamura, Tatsuya  ; To, Kentaro  ; Ebine, Masumi ; Birumachi, Atsushi; Sakasai, Kaoru  

A large area, position-sensitive scintillation neutron detector was developed for upgrading the SENJU, time-of-flight Laue single crystal neutron diffractometer, in J-PARC MLF. The detector has a neutron-sensitive area of 512 $$times$$ 512 mm with a pixel size of 4 $$times$$ 4 mm. The detector was developed for upgrading of the SENJU instrument. The large area detector is to be installed below the vacuum tank to enlarge a covering solid angle. A $$^{6}$$Li:ZnS (Ag) scintillator and wavelength-shifting fiber technologies are employed. Each fiber channel is read out individually with photon counting mode. The electronics boards are implemented at the backside of the detector, enabling the detector depth as short as 20 cm. The detector exhibited a detection efficiency of 45% for thermal neutron. No degradation in fiber position and in neutron sensitivity has been observed over one year after production. In this paper, detector design and detector performances are presented.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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