Development of direct-type alpha dust monitor for in-situ measurement of airborne concentration during fuel debris retrieval and decommissioning of nuclear fuel cycle facilities
坪田 陽一
; 本田 文弥; 中川 貴博
; 川崎 位
; 池田 篤史
; 玉熊 佑紀*; 床次 眞司*; 百瀬 琢麿

Tsubota, Yoichi; Honda, Fumiya; Nakagawa, Takahiro; Kawasaki, Takashi; Ikeda, Atsushi; Tamakuma, Yuki*; Tokonami, Shinji*; Momose, Takumaro
A large number of radioactive aerosols, especially alpha particles, are expected to be generated during fuel debris retrieval on Fukushima - Daiichi (1F) site and decommissioning of nuclear fuel cycle facilities. For conventional alpha dust monitor, 1-channel of silicon surface barrier detector (SSBD) is often used as a detector which has not so high limit of count rates. Moreover, since radioactive aerosol collected on a filter paper are measured by a detector, it is difficult to calculate an airborne concentration at the sampling site because a conventional dust monitor measures an integrated radioactivity on a filter paper. In this work, we developed a prototype of alpha dust monitor aiming at an in-situ measurement of high concentration airborne alpha particles. The efficiency for U
checking source was 80.8%. For high count rate test using 3 MBq of
Am checking source, 2.1
cpm was achieved which was more than 10 times higher compared to an conventional alpha dust monitor using SSBD. For follow-up test to the airborne concentration of alpha particles using radon chamber, counting rate of prototype alpha dust monitor was smoothly followed with respect to the radon concentration in a radon chamber.