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Report No.

Measurement of high-energy prompt fission $$gamma$$-ray emission in $$^{235}$$U ($$n_{rm th},f$$)

Makii, Hiroyuki   ; Nishio, Katsuhisa   ; Hirose, Kentaro  ; Orlandi, R.  ; L$'e$guillon, R.*; Ogawa, Tatsuhiko   ; Soldner, T.*; K$"o$ster, U.*; Hambsch, F.-J.*; Kawano, Toshihiko*; A$"i$che, M.*; Astier, A.*; Czajkowski, S.*; Frost, R. J. W.*; Guo, S.*; Mathieu, L.*; Otsuki, Tsutomu*; Petrache, C. M.*; Pollitt, A.*; Sekimoto, Shun*; Takamiya, Koichi*; Tsekhanovich, I.*

Prompt fission $$gamma$$-ray spectra (PFGS) are important as they allow us to study the structure and de-excitation process of neutron-rich fission fragments. They are also required for the design of the Gen-IV fast reactors and advanced light-water reactors. For spontaneous fission of $$^{252}$$Cf, $$^{252}$$Cf(sf), prompt fission $$gamma$$ rays were observed up to energies of about $$E_{gamma}=$$20 MeV. For neutron-induced fissions, however, the measured PFGS are limited below $$E_{gamma}$$ = 9$$sim$$10 MeV. In this work we extended the measurement of the PFGS for cold neutron-induced fission of $$^{235}$$U up to $$E_{gamma}sim$$ 20 MeV by gaining a factor of about 10$$^{5}$$ in statistics compared to the measurements performed so far. The measurement was carried out at the PF1B cold-neutron facility of the ILL, Grenoble, France. The spectrum exhibits local bump structures at $$E_{gamma}sim$$ 4 MeV and $$sim$$ 6 MeV and also a broad one at $$sim$$ 15 MeV. In this contribution, we will discuss the origins of the bump structures in comparison with the statistical Hauser-Feshbach model calculation.



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