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Report No.

Zr separation from high-level liquid waste with a novel hydroxyacetoamide type extractant

Morita, Keisuke ; Suzuki, Hideya; Matsumura, Tatsuro  ; Takahashi, Yuya*; Omori, Takashi*; Kaneko, Masaaki*; Asano, Kazuhito*

High level liquid waste (HLLW) contains several radionuclides with half-lives longer than 10$$^{6}$$ year. For reduce environmental burden of waste disposal, minor actinoids and long-lived fission products will to be partitioned and transmuted. JAEA and Toshiba developed process for recovering Se, Zr, Pd and Cs from HLLW. Solvent extraction for Zr with novel extractant, ${it N,N}$-didodecyl-2-hydroxyacetoamide (HAA) was detailed. The HAA system showed high selectivity for Zr, as indicated by the extraction order of Zr $$>$$ Mo $$>$$ Pd $$>$$ Ag $$approx$$ Sb $$>$$ Sn $$>$$ Lns $$>$$ Fe. The extracted species was determined as Zr(HAA)$$_{3}$$(NO$$_{3}$$)$$_{4}$$(HNO$$_{3}$$)$$_{x}$$. A continuous countercurrent extraction with HAA was applied to a simulated, concentrated HLLW after Pd, Se, and Cs removal, where the quantitative extraction of Zr and Mo was effectively demonstrated.



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