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Report No.

Time-of-flight direct-geometry neutron spectrometer 4SEASONS at J-PARC

Kajimoto, Ryoichi  ; Nakamura, Mitsutaka   ; Kamazawa, Kazuya*; Inamura, Yasuhiro  ; Ikeuchi, Kazuhiko*; Iida, Kazuki*; Ishikado, Motoyuki*

4SEASONS is a time-of-flight direct geometry neutron spectrometer in J-PARC MLF. The instrument has been open to domestic and international users, and scientific outcomes have been produced from a variety of research fields such as iron-based superconductors, spintronics, thermoelectric materials, f-electron systems, topological materials. In addition, the upgrade of the instrument is continuously progressed. Recently, a part of the neutron guide tube was replaced, the number of detectors significantly increased compared with the initial status, and a new T0 chopper will be installed in the near future. Efforts have been also paid to accommodate new sample environments. In the presentation, we will show the specifications of the instrument, usage statistics, and recent examples of scientific outputs and instrument upgrades.



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