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Report No.

Evaluation of energy spectrum around structural materials in radiation environments

Matsumura, Taichi ; Nagaishi, Ryuji ; Katakura, Junichi*; Suzuki, Masahide*

In this work, when radiation sources of $$^{137}$$Cs, $$^{90}$$Sr and $$^{90}$$Y were assumed to be put in the front of a plain SUS304 plate as a typical material submerged in water, energy spectra of secondary photons and electrons at the front and back sides of plate were simulated with changing the thickness of plate, and spacing between the source and plate by using a Monte Carlo calculation code of PHITS. In the case of $$^{137}$$Cs gamma-ray (monochromatic 662 keV), the energy spectra at the front side was smaller than those at the back side due to the existence of plate. Then the dependence of spectra on the plate thickness was observed more clearly at the back side than at the front side. It was clearly shown how the energy spectra of photons and electrons varied with the incident radiation type, the spacing, and the thickness.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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