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Report No.

Electrochemical behavior of uranium(IV) in ionic liquid-DMF mixtures

Ouchi, Kazuki  ; Komatsu, Atsushi ; Takao, Koichiro*; Kitatsuji, Yoshihiro  ; Watanabe, Masayuki   

In this study, the electrochemical behavior of U(IV) in ionic liquid-DMF mixtures was investigated. DMF was added to the ionic liquid to reduce the viscosity to develop the redox flow battery (RFB) based on the reactions of U. The voltammogram of UCl$$_{4}$$ was measured. Redox waves at -1.6 and -1.5 V were observed based on the reaction of U(III)/U(IV). Further oxidation current of U(IV) was not observed at more negative potential than Cl$$^{-}$$ oxidation. We conclude that U(III)/U(IV) in ionic liquid-DMF mixture is applicable to the cathode reaction of RFB from these results.



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