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Report No.

Public decision based on procedural fairness using the veil of ignorance; A Hypothetical scenario experiment about selecting a candidate site for geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste in Japan

Onuma, Susumu*; Yokoyama, Miki*; Hirose, Yukio*; Osawa, Hideaki  ; Otomo, Shoji*

This study demonstrates the significance of "the veil of ignorance" to promote public acceptance of siting a facility for geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste, which fosters procedural fairness. We conduct a hypothetical scenario experiment in Japan and manipulate the decision way setting two conditions; one is present Japanese way that decides by application from municipalities or offer of the Government, the other is a Switzerland way that all regions have possible to be a candidate site starting from blank. The results indicated that respondents in Switzerland way condition accepted more and regarded the process fairer than those in present Japanese way condition. The potential of adopting the idea of "the veil of ignorance" is discussed.



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