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Report No.

Study on mass transfer kinetics in solvent extraction systems for minor actinides recovery

Sano, Yuichi   ; Sakamoto, Atsushi  ; Takeuchi, Masayuki ; Suzuki, Hideya*; Matsumura, Tatsuro  ; Kawanobe, Kazunori*; Asano, Shusaku*; Maki, Taisuke*; Mae, Kazuhiro*

The mass transfer coefficients during the extraction and back-extraction of lanthanide elements in the solvent extraction process using new extractants (TDdDGA, HONTA) developed for minor actinides (MA) recovery were evaluated. In the TDdDGA system, it was confirmed that the mass transfer coefficients during back extraction were improved by the addition of alcohol to the solvent, etc., and in the HONTA system, the mass transfer coefficients were relatively small.



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