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Key factors controlling radiocesium sorption and fixation in river sediments around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, 2; Sorption and fixation behaviors and their relationship to sediment properties

Tachi, Yukio  ; Sato, Tomofumi*; Takeda, Chizuko*; Ishidera, Takamitsu ; Fujiwara, Kenso ; Iijima, Kazuki  

To understand and predict radiocesium transport behaviors in the environment, sorption and fixation behaviors of radiocesium on river sediments from Ukedo and Odaka rivers around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant were investigated systematically focusing on Cs sorption and fixation mechanisms and their relationship with Cs concentrations and sediment properties including clay mineralogy and organic matter.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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