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Report No.

Monte Carlo simulation of secondary electrons in water involved in complex DNA damage formation

Kai, Takeshi   ; Matsuya, Yusuke  ; Sato, Tatsuhiko   

It has been found that the repair efficiency of DNA damage was extremely low for simultaneous damage within a few nm. The complex damage has been implicated in inducing harmful biological effects. However, such damage is hard to detect using experimental techniques. In our works, a dynamic Monte Carlo code (DMCC) has been developed to predict radiation DNA damage. From the results, we could predict the complex DNA damage formation composed of oxidative damage and reductive damage. The DMCC was partially implemented into PHITS [2] to simulate the electron track structure. The implementation made DNA damage prediction possible by the track structure mode. In this presentation, we explain the DMCC, and current states for development of track structure mode in PHITS. We discuss DNA damage formation and yield using the DMCC and the track structure mode.



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