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Report No.

Dosimetric impact of a new computational voxel phantom series for the Japanese atomic bomb survivors; Methodological improvements and organ dose response functions

Sato, Tatsuhiko   ; Funamoto, Sachiyo*; Paulbeck, C.*; Griffin, K.*; Lee, C.*; Cullings, H.*; Egbert, S. D.*; Endo, Akira   ; Hertel, N.*; Bolch, W. E.*

Owing to recent advances in computational dosimetry tools, it is desirable to update the dosimetry system for the atomic-bomb survivors as it was established by DS02. In the current study, we have investigated the possible impact of introducing not only the J45 phantom series but also various methodological upgrades to the DS02 dosimetry system. It was found that the anatomical improvement in the J45 phantom series is the most important factor leading to potential changes in survivor organ doses. In addition, this study established a series of response functions which allows for the rapid conversion of the unidirectional quasi-monoenergetic photon and neutron fluences to organ doses within the J45 adult phantoms. This system of response functions can be implemented within a revision to the DS02 dosimetry system and used for future updates to organ doses within the Life Span Study of the atomic-bomb survivors.



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