Preparation of Computational Science Simulation Code SPLICE for Laser Manufacturing Process; Research activities on FY2019
Muramatsu, Toshiharu
A general-purpose three-dimensional thermohydraulics numerical simulation code SPLICE (residual Stress control using Phenomenological modeling for Laser welding repair process In Computational Environment) was designed to deal with gas-liquid-solid consolidated incompressible viscous flows with a phase change process in various laser applications. Main features of the SPLICE code are as follows: (1) A multi-scale model is used to simulate complicated phenomena, such as welding to solidification of metal materials, thermal and mechanical interactions among gas, liquid and solid phases, etc., (2) SPLICE code is applicable for the evaluation of welding, cutting, piercing, coating, additive manufacturing, etc. and (3) A graphic user interface (GUI) is prepared for users to easy utilization of the SPLICE code. This report describes the details of the mathematics, physics, numerics, sample applications of the SPLICE code.