※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Effect of hydrogen absorption on bending strength of cladding tube experienced simulated LOCA test


岡田 裕史

Okada, Yuji

In order to evaluate the fracture resistance of cladding tube against a seismic loading which might be applied following LOCA, four-point-bending-test has been conducted. In consideration of previous studies and results, the effect of the amount of oxidation on the maximum bending stress of pre-hydrided test rod with small amount of ballooning was investigated in this study. Based on the obtained results, the maximum bending stress of pre-hydrided test rod decreased compared with that of as-received test rod. In addition, it is considered that the decrease in maximum bending stress is almost determined by hydrogen concentration after simulated LOCA test. According to this trend, it is expected that the maximum bending stress at ballooned-and-ruptured region in pre-hydrided cladding tube is determined by hydrogen concentration after simulated LOCA and its value is similar to the data obtained in this study and literature data.



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