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Report No.

Theoretical study of Nb isotope productions by muon capture reaction on $$^{100}$$Mo

Ciccarelli, M.*; Minato, Futoshi   ; Naito, Tomoya*

The isotope $$^{99}$$Mo, the generator of $$^{rm 99m}$$Tc used for diagnostic imaging, is supplied by extracting from fission fragments of highly enriched uranium in reactors. However, a reactor-free production method of $$^{99}$$Mo is searched over the world from the point of view of nuclear proliferation. Recently, $${}^{99}$$Mo production through a muon capture reaction was proposed and it was found that about 50% of $$^{100}$$Mo turned into $$^{99}$$Mo through $$^{100}$$Mo$$ (mu^-,n)$$ reaction. However, the detailed physical process of the muon capture reaction is not completely understood. We, therefore, study the muon capture reaction of $$^{100}$$Mo by a theoretical approach. We used the $$pn$$ QRPA to calculate the muon capture rate. The muon wave function is calculated with considering the electronic distribution of the atom and the nuclear charge distribution. The particle evaporation process from the daughter nucleus is calculated by the Hauser-Feshbach statistical model. From the model calculation, about 38% of $$^{100}$$Mo is converted to $$^{99}$$Mo through the muon capture reaction, which is in a reasonable agreement with the experimental data. It is revealed that negative parity states, especially $$1^-$$ state, play an important role in $$^{100}$$Mo $$(mu^-,n)^{99}$$Nb. Isotope production by the muon capture reaction strongly depends on the nuclear structure. To understand the mechanism, excitation energy functions have to be known microscopically.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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