放射性核種の長期安定化を指向した使用済みゼオライト焼結固化技術の開発(委託研究); 平成30年度英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業
Development of the sintering solidification method for spent zeolite to long-term stabilization (Contract research); FY2018 Center of World Intelligence Project for Nuclear Science/Technology and Human Resource Development
廃炉国際共同研究センター; 芝浦工業大学*
Collaborative Laboratories for Advanced Decommissioning Science; Shibaura Institute of Technology*
JAEA/CLADS, had been conducting the Center of World Intelligence Project for Nuclear Science/Technology and Human Resource Development (hereafter referred to "the Project") in FY2018. Among the adopted proposals in FY2018, this report summarizes the research results of the "Development of the Sintering Solidification Method for Spent Zeolite to Long-term Stabilization". The present study aims to develop the sintering solidification method for zeolites (spent zeolites) that adsorbs continuously generated radionuclides such as cesium. The sintering solidification method is able to stabilize adsorbed radionuclides such as cesium in zeolites by adding a glass as a binder to spent zeolite and sintered it. It is expected that the sintering solidification method is significantly reduce the volume of the solidified body compare with the glass solidification method and to form a stable solidified body equivalent to the calcination solidification method. In this project, we planned to select a glass suitable for the sintering solidification method and optimize the sintering temperature, etc. using non-radioactive nuclides (cold tests), and verify it by using radioactive nuclides (hot tests). In FY2018, we investigated the thermal properties of candidate glasses for binder and the effect of heating atmosphere on the sintering solidification method. Irradiated fuel for preparing simulated contaminated water containing radionuclides was selected and the condition of it was observed. In addition, we surveyed existing research results and latest research trends about solidification of zeolite, calcination solidification and so on.