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Report No.

Measurement of liquid metal flows with electro-magnetic probe

Ariyoshi, Gen  ; Ito, Daisuke*; Ito, Kei*; Saito, Yasushi*

To clarify the flow characteristics of liquid metal flows has sufficient importance for safety measures of severe accident such as piping rupture accident of steam generator in an ADS since the core reactivity is affected by bubbles coming into sub-critical fuel region. LBE has been chosen as one of the candidates of a spallation target and a coolant for such a reactor due to its adequate physical properties. However, the flow characteristics of such liquid metal flows have been poorly understood since the measurement techniques for the liquid metal flows are not well established. Therefore, in this study, an electro-magnetic probe (EM probe) has been developed for obtaining fundamental flow characteristics e.g. local liquid velocity and turbulence intensity etc. As a result, the EM probe was successfully applied to liquid metal flows. Measurement results having measurement error less than 10% were obtained. Details of the measurement techniques and experimental results will be presented.



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