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Development of multi-group neutron activation cross-section library from JENDL/AD-2017

Konno, Chikara  

JENDL Activation Cross Section File for Nuclear Decommissioning 2017 (JENDL/AD-2017) was released in 2018. This file includes the data of neutron-induced nuclear reactions for 311 nuclides from 10$$^{-5}$$ eV to 20 MeV. Thus a multi-group neutron activation cross-section library (MAXS/AD-2017) with the same format as MAXS-2015 by Dr. Okumura has been developed from JENDL/AD-2017 with PREPRO 2018 for activation calculations in nuclear facility decommissioning. MAXS/AD-2017 will be converted to ORIGEN libraries and be tested with the JPDR decommissioning data. Then MAXS/AD-2017 will be released.



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