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Development and application of pulsed magnet system up to 30 tesla for neutron scattering experiment

Watanabe, Masao   ; Nojiri, Hiroyuki*; Kihara, Takumi*

Superconducting DC magnet up to 17 Tesla has developed for neutron scattering experiments. Although the sample environment team in the MLF have several DC superconducting magnets up to 7 Tesla as a sample environment apparatus, some users have requested the preparation of higher field magnets. However, another magnet technology is needed to generate higher than 20 Tesla. However, it is difficult to construct such a large system in the MLF from the point of view of construction space. It is practical to employ a pulsed magnetic field as it enables operation of smaller energy as well as downsizing of the instruments. Therefore, we have been newly developed a compact and transportable pulsed magnet system up to 30 Tesla.



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