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Report No.

Development of JAEA sorption database (JAEA-SDB); Update of sorption/QA data in FY2019

Sugiura, Yuki  ; Suyama, Tadahiro*; Tachi, Yukio  

Sorption behavior of radionuclides (RNs) in buffer materials, rocks and cementitious materials is one of the key processes in a safe geological disposal. This report focuses on updating of JAEA sorption database (JAEA-SDB) as a basis of integrated approach for the performance assessment (PA)-related distribution coefficient (K$$_{rm d}$$) setting and development of mechanistic sorption models. K$$_{rm d}$$ data and their quality assurance (QA) results were updated by focusing on the following systems as potential needs extracted from our recent activities on the K$$_{rm d}$$ setting and development of mechanistic models, i.e., clay minerals, sedimentary rocks and cementitious materials. As a result, 6,702 K$$_{rm d}$$ data from 60 references were added and the total number of K$$_{rm d}$$ values in JAEA-SDB reached 69,679. The QA/classified K$$_{rm d}$$ data reached about 72% for all K$$_{rm d}$$ data in JAEA-SDB.



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