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Experimental investigation of the suppressed superconducting gap and double-resonance mode in Ba$$_{1-x}$$K$$_{x}$$Fe$$_{2}$$As$$_{2}$$

Ideta, Shinichiro*; Murai, Naoki  ; Nakajima, Masamichi*; Kajimoto, Ryoichi  ; Tanaka, Kiyohisa*

Ba$$_{1-x}$$K$$_{x}$$Fe$$_{2}$$As$$_{2}$$ has an exotic physical property where that the C$$_{2}$$-SDW phase suddenly changes to the C$$_{4}$$-magnetic phase and superconductivity is suppressed within a narrow composition range around x = 0.25. We have investigated the doping dependence of the electronic structure of Ba$$_{1-x}$$K$$_{x}$$Fe$$_{2}$$As$$_{2}$$ using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and found an anomaly in the superconducting (SC) gap structure only for x = 0.25 in both the hole and electron Fermi surfaces (FSs). We also propose that the mechanism of a newly observed double-resonance peak by inelastic neutron scattering is understandable by the SC gap obtained by ARPES. Our discovery reveals the important relationship between the C$$_{4}$$- magnetic phase and superconductivity, and provides an opportunity to survey the underlying relationship between the SC gap and resonance mode in the hole-doped iron-based superconductor.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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