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Post-processor coding for large-scale transient simulation computer codes

吉川 信治 

Yoshikawa, Shinji


In various technical fields of nuclear energy, computer codes are often used for transient simulations of target phenomena. Some of the codes were developed many years ago and have been revised with newly acquired findings, rather than newly developed, because of many encompassed numerical models and complexity of algorithms. In many cases, available outputs for users are output text files and graphs showing temporal variations of parameters, despite diversified and huge number of output information items are posing difficulty to the users in grasping the whole picture of the reproduced phenomena. This report compiles a series of know-hows in building a post-processor software for large simulation codes which serves as an interactive tool for code users in understanding the reproduced consequence with visually understandable information items. These know-hows are acquired through post-processor developments for LWR severe accident simulation codes RELAP/SCDAPSIM and MELCOR.



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