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Report No.

Experiments of self-wastage phenomena elucidation in steam generator tube of sodium-cooled fast reactor

Umeda, Ryota ; Shimoyama, Kazuhito ; Kurihara, Akikazu 

Sodium-water reaction caused by failure of the steam generator tube of sodium-cooled fast reactor induce the wastage phenomenon, which has erosive and corrosive feature. In this report, the authors have performed the self-wastage experiments under high sodium temperature condition to evaluate the effect of wastage form/geometry by using two types of initial defect such as the micro fine pinhole and fatigue crack, and water leak rate on self-wastage rate. Based on the consideration of crack type influence, it was confirmed that self-wastage rate did not strongly depend on the initial defect geometry. As a mechanism of the self-plug phenomenon, it is speculated that sodium oxide intervenes and inhibits the progress of self-wastage. The dependence of initial sodium temperature on self-wastage rate was clearly observed, and new self-wastage correlation was derived considering the initial sodium temperature.



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