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Report No.

Magnetic structures and quadratic magnetoelectric effect in LiNiPO$$_{4}$$ beyond 30 T

Fogh, E.*; Kihara, Takumi*; Toft-Petersen, R.*; Bartkowiak, M.*; Narumi, Yasuo*; Prokhnenko, O.*; Miyake, Atsushi*; Tokunaga, Masashi*; Oikawa, Kenichi   ; S${o}$rensen, M. K.*; Dyrnum, J. C.*; Grimmer, H.*; Nojiri, Hiroyuki*; Christensen, N. B.*

Neutron diffraction with static and pulsed magnetic fields is used to directly probe the magnetic structures in LiNiPO$$_{4}$$ up to 25 T and 42 T, respectively. By combining these results with magnetometry and electric polarization measurements under pulsed fields, the magnetic and magnetoelectric phases are investigated up to 56 T applied along the easy $$c$$ axis. In addition to the already known transitions at lower fields, three new ones are reported at 37.6, 39.4, and 54 T. Ordering vectors are identified with Q$$_{rm VI}$$ = (0, $$frac{1}{3}$$, 0) in the interval 37.6 - 39.4 T and Q$$_{rm VII}$$ = (0, 0, 0) in the interval 39.4 - 54 T. A quadratic magnetoelectric effect is discovered in the Q$$_{rm VII}$$= (0, 0, 0) phase and the field dependence of the induced electric polarization is described using a simple mean-field model. The observed magnetic structure and magnetoelectric tensor elements point to a change in the lattice symmetry in this phase. We speculate on the possible physical mechanism responsible for the magnetoelectric effect in LiNiPO$$_{4}$$.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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