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Report No.

New design of vacuum chambers for radiation shield installation at beam injection area of J-PARC RCS

Kamiya, Junichiro   ; Kotoku, Hirofumi; Shobuda, Yoshihiro   ; Takayanagi, Tomohiro   ; Yamamoto, Kazami   ; Yanagibashi, Toru*; Horino, Koki*; Miki, Nobuharu*

One of the issues in the J-PARC 3 GeV rapid cycling synchrotron is the high residual radiation dose around the beam injection point. A radiation shield is necessary to reduce radiation exposure of workers when maintenance is performed there. A space to install the radiation shield should be secured by newly designing a structure of the vacuum chamber at the injection point and the alumina ceramics beam pipes for the shift bump magnets. To make the space for the shield, the chamber is lengthened along the beam line and the cross-sectional shape is changed from circle to rectangle. The displacement and inner stress of the vacuum chamber due to atmospheric pressure were evaluated to be enough small by the calculation. For the ceramics beam pipe's rf-shield, the damping resistor was effective to reduce the induced modulation voltages by the pulsed magnetic field.



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Category:Physics, Particles & Fields



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