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Search for excited state of $$_{Sigma }^{4}{rm He}$$ hypernucleus in the J-PARC E13 experiment

J-PARC E13実験における$$_{Sigma }^{4}{rm He}$$ハイパー核の励起状態の探索

中川 真菜美*; 長谷川 勝一   ; 早川 修平; 細見 健二  ; 市川 裕大   ; 今井 憲一; 佐甲 博之   ; 佐藤 進  ; 田村 裕和; 谷田 聖   ; 山本 剛史  ; 他43名*

Nakagawa, Manami*; Hasegawa, Shoichi; Hayakawa, Shuhei; Hosomi, Kenji; Ichikawa, Yudai; Imai, Kenichi; Sako, Hiroyuki; Sato, Susumu; Tamura, Hirokazu; Tanida, Kiyoshi; Yamamoto, Takeshi; 43 of others*

The $$Sigma N$$ interaction is not much studied than the $$Lambda N$$ interaction. To understand the $$Sigma N$$ interaction, we study $$Sigma$$ hypernuclei. As for the $$Sigma$$ hypernucleus, only the ground state of $$_{Sigma }^{4}{rm He}$$ has been observed. To obtain more information about the $$Sigma N$$ interaction, the excited state should be studied. Therefore, we measure the missing-mass of the $$^4$$He$$(K^-,pi^-)$$ reaction at $$p_{K^-} = 1.5$$ GeV/$$c$$ and $$theta_{rm Lab} =$$ 2-14$$^{circ}$$ at the J-PARC K1.8 beam line. The ground state of $$_{Sigma }^{4}{rm He}$$ is observed whereas a peak of the excited states is not observed. We also observe suppression of the $$Sigma$$ quasi-free process at smaller angles.



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