※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Experimental study of Di-quark correlation by charmed baryon spectroscopy at J-PARC high-momentum secondary beam line


小松 雄哉*; 市川 裕大   ; 成木 恵*; 谷田 聖   ; 他24名*

Komatsu, Yusuke*; Ichikawa, Yudai; Naruki, Megumi*; Tanida, Kiyoshi; 24 of others*

A di-quark correlation has been proposed to describe the internal structure of hadrons, especially those of exotic ones. Nevertheless it lacks a conclusive experimental evidence. The J-PARC E50 experiment performs charmed baryon spectroscopy at J-PARC high-momentum beam line to investigate the role of di-quark correlations in baryons. The energy levels of the excited sates are measured by a missing-mass technique for the first time, and the production rates and decay branching ratios are also measured.



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