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Nematic and time-reversal breaking superconductivities coexisting with quadrupole order in a $$Gamma_3$$ system

Kubo, Katsunori 

We discuss superconductivity in a model on a cubic lattice for a $$Gamma_3$$ non-Kramers system. In previous studies, it is revealed that $$d$$-wave superconductivity with $$E_g$$ symmetry occurs in a wide parameter range in a $$Gamma_3$$ system. Such anisotropic superconductivity can break the cubic symmetry of the lattice. In a $$Gamma_3$$ system, the quadrupole degrees of freedom are active and the effect of the cubic symmetry breaking should be important. Here, we investigate the coexisting states of the $$d$$-wave superconductivity and quadrupole order by a mean-field theory. In particular, we discuss possible competition and cooperation between the superconductivity and quadrupole order depending on types of them. We find nematic superconductivity breaking the cubic symmetry and coexisting with quadrupole order. In the present model, we also find $$d+id$$ superconductivity, which breaks time-reversal symmetry but retains the cubic symmetry. We also discuss the effects of uniaxial stress on these superconducting states.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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