Middle Holocene changes in relative sea-level on western Shikoku Island, Japan
Yamaguchi, Tatsuhiko*; Tsuji, Tomohiro*; Nanayama, Futoshi*; Nakanishi, Toshimichi; Ikeda, Michiharu*; Kondo, Yasuo*; Miwa, Michiko*; Hamada, Yohei*
Shikoku Island is situated 150 km northwest of the Nankai trough that has developed in response to the convergence of the subducting Philippine Sea Plate and overriding Eurasian Plate. This tectonism causes deformation of the island, megathrust earthquakes, and tsunamis. Shikoku Island experiences coseismic and interseismic deformation. The middle Holocene tectonics of the island are still poorly understood. Relative sea-level (RSL) changes indicated by coastal sediments potentially record seismic uplift and subsidence. To infer RSL changes between 8 and 4 cal. kyr BP, we studied Holocene ostracode assemblages from the SKM drill core in Sukumo, southwest Shikoku Island (Tsuji et al., 2018, JpGU, MIS11-P19), and from six cores in the northern part of the island (Yasuhara et al., 2005, Palaeo3; Yasuhara and Seto, 2006, Paleontol. Res. 10). To estimate paleo-water depth and RSL, we employed the ostracode assemblages and modern analog technique. The SKM core is composed of conglomerate, ash, and mud chiefly. Its geological age was examined, using the
C dating method (Nakanishi et al., 2019, Radiocarbon). The differences in RSL were identified across the island, possibly due to convergence of the Philippine Sea Plate.