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 年 ~ 

Zeolitic vanadomolybdates as high-performance cathode-active materials for sodium-ion batteries


Zhang, Z,*; Wang, H.*; 吉川 浩史*; 松村 大樹   ; 畑尾 秀哉*; 石川 理史*; 上田 渉*

Zhang, Z,*; Wang, H.*; Yoshikawa, Hirofumi*; Matsumura, Daiju; Hatao, Shuya*; Ishikawa, Satoshi*; Ueda, Wataru*

Developing new cathode-active materials for rechargeable batteries is important to fulfill the growing demands of energy transformation, storage, and utilization. Zeolitic transition-metal oxides based on vanadomolybdate, constructed by pentagon metal-oxygen clusters as building blocks and metal ions as linkers in a trigonal symmetry, are good candidates for cathodes of Na rechargeable batteries. The material is activated via amorphization of the crystal structure in the ab plane during discharging process, keeping the molecular structure of the building blocks stable, which causes high specific capacity and good cycle performance.



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分野:Nanoscience & Nanotechnology



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