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Report No.

Development of laser ablation absorption spectroscopy for nuclear fuel materials; Plume expansion behavior for refractory metals observed by laser-induced fluorescence imaging spectroscopy

Miyabe, Masabumi   ; Oba, Masaki ; Akaoka, Katsuaki ; Kato, Masaaki*; Hasegawa, Shuichi*; Wakaida, Ikuo  

The dynamic behavior of an ablation plume in low pressure rare gas ambient was investigated with laser-induced fluorescence imaging spectroscopy for three refractory metals, i.e. titanium, zirconium and hafnium. A comparison of the plume expansion behaviors for the species of these elements revealed an atomic weight effect on the plume structure formation. A hemispherical thin layer and cavity structure reported previously for gadolinium were observed also for these elements. It was found that the plume size increases as well as the layer thickness decreases with increasing atomic weight. For ground state atoms of Ti, substantial amount of atoms were observed even at the center of the plume. Also, the persistence of the Ti atomic plume was as long as 300 $$mu$$s, which was significantly longer than the other species studied. Furthermore, the mass-dependent elemental separation was observed in the ablation plume produced from a multielement sample. These results suggest that the observed plume structure arises from the ion-electron recombination process and the recoil of the ablated species during the multiple collisions with gas atoms.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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