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Report No.

High-rank multipole ordering in f-electron systems

Kambe, Shinsaku  

Recently found high-rank multipolar ordering in $$f$$-electron systems will be reviewed. For example, (1) odd parity rank-5 (electric dotriacontapole) ordering is likely in URu$$_2$$Si$$_2$$, which is known as "hidden ordering"; (2) even parity rank-3 (magnetic octupole) ordering in NpO$$_2$$ is now well-established. Such a high-rank multipolar ordering with high symmetry is sensitive to symmetry-breaking field and change of relevant interaction. Therefore, comparing to usual dipolar ordering, there are various spin and orbital concerned responses of multipolar ordering to external field $$e.g.$$ magnetic field, pressure, uni-axial stress etc. Some examples of these responses will be addressed.



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