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Mass production technology development of 9Cr-ODS steel; Development of Prototype large ATTRItor for mass production of ODS steel (PATTRIODS) and test production

Oka, Hiroshi   ; Tanno, Takashi  ; Yano, Yasuhide  ; Otsuka, Satoshi   ; Kaito, Takeji ; Tachi, Yoshiaki  

As part of the development of mass production technology for ODS steel cladding tubes, a large attritor ball-mill PATTRIODS (Prototype large ATTRItor for mass production of ODS steel) was developed, which is a mechanical alloying device for mass production. The powder amount of throughput of PATTRIODS is 30 kg, which is three times the conventional small type attritor. In order to control the amount of oxygen during mechanical alloying, inert gas replacement capability for the pulverization tank and the powder collecting container is adopted. The production test of ODS steel using PATTRIODS revealed that PATTRIODS had the same level of oxygen controllability as the existing small type attritor.



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