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Report No.

Evaluation and mitigation of reactive ion etching-induced damage in AlGaN/GaN MOS structures fabricated by low-power inductively coupled plasma

Nozaki, Mikito*; Terashima, Daiki*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka ; Hosoi, Takuji*; Shimura, Takayoshi*; Watanabe, Heiji*

AlGaN/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) structures were fabricated by low-power inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching and chemical vapor deposition of SiO$$_{2}$$ dielectrics on the etched surfaces, and they were systematically investigated by physical and electrical characterizations in an effort to develop a low-damage recessed gate process. The comprehensive research demonstrates the significant advantages of the proposed low-damage recessed gate process for fabricating next-generation AlGaN/GaN MOS-HFET devices.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Applied



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