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Report No.

Structure, dynamics and physical property of bio-materials studied by quasi-elastic and inelastic neutron scattering

Nakagawa, Hiroshi   

A pulse neutron source of J-PARC reaches the full power of 1MW and can expect the use of the neutron in life sciences now that JRR-3 routine furnace became on the verge of re-operation when it becomes wider. I can utilize the analysis of the bio-materials (molecules) by the neutron for properties of matter studies related to the basics of analysis and hydration or glass metastasis properties of matter from a structural biology-like viewpoint. In addition, the life sciences are related with not only the physical studies such as the elucidations of the life phenomenon but also the technologies such as medicine, a pharmacy, the agriculture closely. The bioscientific fundamental researches by the neutron develop as the new fundamental researches of another field and an applied study, and such a trend is tied to the industrial use.



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