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幌延URLにおけるベントナイト系充填材の除去回収実証試験; 機械的除去技術(オーガ方式)

Field demonstration test for bentonite backfill removal in HORONOBE URL; Mechanical removal technique (auger method)

城 まゆみ*; 本島 貴之*; 磯 さち恵*; 白瀬 光泰*; 小林 正人*; 中山 雅 

Jo, Mayumi*; Motoshima, Takayuki*; Iso, Sachie*; Shirase, Mitsuyasu*; Kobayashi, Masato*; Nakayama, Masashi


Radioactive waste needs to be managed responsibly even after the waste is transported to the final disposal site. Reversibility and retrievability are also required in high level radioactive waste disposal project. From the viewpoint of the technical feasibility of the retrievability, the development of a technology for removing the bentonite backfilling material surrounding the PEM without damaging the PEM is expected. In this paper, we selected the mechanical removal technology using the auger method and verified the feasibility of selected technology in Horonobe URL, depth of 350 meters.



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