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Nanostructural characterization of oleyl acid phosphate in poly-$$alpha$$-olefin using small-angle X-ray scattering

Oba, Yojiro  ; Motokawa, Ryuhei   ; Hino, Masahiro*; Adachi, Nozomu*; Todaka, Yoshikazu*; Inoue, Rintaro*; Sugiyama, Masaaki*

Nanostructures in lubricants play a key role in lubrication properties. In this study, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) was applied to characterize the nanostructures of oleyl acid phosphate (OLAP) in base oil. The results show that OLAP forms reverse-micellar-like aggregates. This information from SAXS will drive further development of lubricants.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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