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Report No.

Development of burnup/depletion calculation code based on ORIGEN2 cross-section libraries and Chebyshev rational approximation method, CRAMO

Yokoyama, Kenji   ; Jin, Tomoyuki*

A new burnup/depletion calculation code, CRAMO, was developed by combining an ORIGEN2 cross-section library set, ORLIB, based on Japanese evaluated nuclear data library, JENDL, and a burnup/depletion solver based on Chebyshev rational approximation method. CRAMO uses the ORIGEN2 cross-section library set ORLIBJ40 based on JENDL-4.0, and the burnup/depletion solver implemented in the versatile reactor analysis code system, MARBLE. It was confirmed that results of CRAMO agreed well with those of ORIGEN2 for burnup/depletion and radioactivity calculation cases. The development of CRAMO made it possible to use ORLIB without using ORIGEN2. It will be possible to provide an easy-to-use processed JENDL data set for burnup/depletion and radioactivity calculations in combination with a burnup/depletion based on Chebyshev rational approximation method. The present version of CRAMO is a subset of ORIGEN2 and can compute only compositions and radioactivities after irradiation. However, since various kinds of outputs of ORIGEN2 can be evaluated by using the composition, it is possible to reproduce many functions of ORIGEN2 by adding post-processing modules.



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