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Report No.

Residual stress distribution in water jet peened type 304 stainless steel

Hayashi, Makoto*; Okido, Shinobu*; Suzuki, Hiroshi  

In materials with a surface treatment such as shot peening, the residual stress gradient in the surface layer is severe. When measuring the residual stress distribution near the surface with a severe stress gradient by the neutron diffraction method, the gauge volume must be removed from the measurement sample. However, when the gauge volume deviates from the sample, a pseudo peak shift occurs and accurate stress distribution cannot be evaluated. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the pseudo peak shift in advance under the same conditions, as in the case of actual residual stress measurement, using a sample in an unstressed state. In this study, the stress distributions in the surface layer of a type 304 stainless steel plate and bar with simulated stress-corrosion cracks which were subjected to water jet peening - giving a surface layer residual stress equivalent better than that of normal shot peening - were evaluated considering the pseudo peak shift. As a result, the residual stress distributions in the surface layer were measured in good agreement with the measurement result obtained by the sequential polishing X-ray diffraction method. It was clarified that the residual stress distribution in the near surface with steep stress gradient can be evaluated by the neutron diffraction method.



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