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Report No.

Evaluation of bioavailable radiocesium in the sediment in forest river and dam reservoir

Takechi, Seiichi*; Tsuji, Hideki*; Koshikawa, Masami*; Ito, Shoko*; Funaki, Hironori ; Hayashi, Seiji*

Since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident in 2011, soil minerals and organic matter including radiocesium have been deposited in the dam lakes near the nuclear power plant. There is concern that radiocesium will gradually leach from the lake bottom into the lake water, resulting in prolonged radioactive contamination of the freshwater ecosystems especially in downstream of the dams. In this study, we collected undisturbed sediment core samples at the center of the Yokokawa Dam lake in Fukushima Prefecture and suspended sediment in the inflowing river of the dam for 4 years and evaluated the amount of bioavailable form of radiocesium (exchanged, oxidized, and organic forms) in these samples by sequential extraction tests using the BCR method focusing on the temporal change.



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