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 年 ~ 


Low temperature physical properties of biomaterials studied by inelastic neutron scattering

中川 洋   

Nakagawa, Hiroshi


Neutron beams can reveal molecular dynamics on nanosecond time and nanometer space scales, because neutrons have wavelengths as large as the size of an atom and energies as large as the thermal fluctuations of a molecule. It is possible to analyze the vibrational state of vitrified biomaterials with features appearing in the terahertz frequency domain, as well as the dynamics of hydration water, which is different from that of bulk water due to its interaction with the surface of biomaterials. Another great advantage of neutron scattering is that it allows us to analyze the structure and dynamics of a specific part of a molecule by partial deuteration, utilizing the difference in the scattering length between hydrogen and deuterium atoms. Inelastic neutron scattering, which allows quantitative measurement of dynamic structure factors, is also well suited to analysis by molecular simulation.



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