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Report No.

Nuclear forensics capability building efforts by the Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Nuclear Security at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency

Kimura, Yoshiki  ; Matsui, Yoshiki; Tomikawa, Hirofumi

In Japan, national nuclear forensics capability building efforts mainly based on research and development have been conducted since 2010. Most of that work is undertaken at the Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Nuclear Security (ISCN) at the JAEA in close cooperation with the National Research Institute of Police Science (NRIPS). The JAEA is Japan's only comprehensive nuclear research institution. The NRIPS is an agency attached to the national police organization. These institutes from different research backgrounds cooperate on activities such as information exchange and joint research projects. The joint research results improve national capabilities and enhance international nuclear security. In this article, nuclear forensics capability building efforts by ISCN has been introduced.



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