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Gamma-ray spectroscopy with a CeBr$$_3$$ scintillator under intense $$gamma$$-ray fields for nuclear decommissioning

Kaburagi, Masaaki   ; Shimazoe, Kenji*; Kato, Masahiro*; Kurosawa, Tadahiro*; Kamada, Kei*; Kim, K. J.*; Yoshino, Masao*; Shoji, Yasuhiro*; Yoshikawa, Akira*; Takahashi, Hiroyuki*; Torii, Tatsuo  

An increasing number of nuclear facilities have been decommissioned worldwide following the 2011 accident of the TEPCO' Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. During the decommissioning, radioactive materials have to be retrieved under proper management. In this study, a small cubic CeBr$$_3$$ spectrometer with dimensions of 5 mm $$times$$ 5 mm $$times$$ 5 mm was manufactured to perform $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopy under intense $$gamma$$-ray fields. Furthermore, thanks to a fast digital process unit and a customized photomultiplier, the device could perform $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopy at dose rates of over 1 Sv/h. The energy resolution (FWHM) at 662 keV ranged from 4.4% at 22 mSv/h to 5.2% at 1407 mSv/h for a $$^{137}$$Cs radiation field. Correspondingly, at 1333 keV, it ranged from 3.1% at 26 mSv/h to 4.2% at 2221 mSv/h for a $$^{60}$$Co radiation field, which suggested to realize $$gamma$$-ray assessment of $$^{134}$$Cs, $$^{137}$$Cs, $$^{60}$$Co, and $$^{154}$$Eu at dose rates of over 1 Sv/h.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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