Proposal of maintenance rationalization for next-generation fast reactors based on the analysis of the prolonged maintenance of the prototype fast-breeder reactor in Japan, "Monju", 1; Analysis of plant schedule of "Monju" in cold shutdown
Hashidate, Ryuta ; Toyota, Kodai ; Takahashi, Keita; Yada, Hiroki ; Takaya, Shigeru
In order to improve both safety and economic efficiency of a nuclear power plant, it is necessary to realize rational maintenance based on characteristics of the plant. The prototype fast-breeder reactor in Japan, Monju, spent most of the year for the maintenance. Thus, it is important to identify causes of the prolonged maintenance of Monju and to investigate countermeasures for implementation of rational maintenance of next-generation fast reactors. In this study, the authors investigated the causes of the prolonged maintenance of Monju during reactor cold shutdown based on the plant schedule of Monju. In addition, we proposed the maintenance optimization idea for next-generation fast reactors to solve the revealed issues.